All Things Local 2025:
Check out the following sites for information on local anesthesia in dentistry, many of them provided for by the Author. Pain control with hemostatic control is an important step in the care of the dental hygiene patient such as nonsurgical periodontal therapy cases handled by this dental professional.
The management of pain with hemostatic control through local anesthesia by dental hygienist requires a thorough understanding of the anatomy of the skull, trigeminal nerve, and related structures. The dental hygienist must also know the location of certain adjacent soft tissue structures, such as major blood vessels and glandular tissue, so as to avoid inadvertently injecting them.
NEW Edition- Edition 4:
In Production
The Author is Contributor to the current Chapters on Anatomy and Technique (both Maxillary and Mandibular), Local Anesthesia for the Dental Hygienist, ed 3, 2021, Published by Elsevier.
See also Evolve Purchase with SO MUCH MORE such as VIDEOS
Pubmed for dental local anesthesia- look for evidence based results!
A NEW YouTube from MJ with NARRATION on an important topic:
The IA Block ~~~