Cases Online Study 2025

~ for Student Dental Hygienists

              from MJ Fehrenbach, RDH, MS


Review With

Dental Anatomy Coloring Book,

4th Edition from Elsevier, 2023

Studies also show that adult coloring is therapeutic, reducing stress similarly to meditation. The gentle and repetitive motion of your hand bringing color to paper helps quiet your mind, bringing your usual rapid-fire thoughts down to a much slower pace while leaving the fast-paced digital world behind.

Each page of the new edition contains a brief statement describing the body part featured and its orientation view, followed by a crisp easy-to-color illustration(s). Numbered leader lines clearly identify the structures to be colored and correspond to a numbered list appearing below the illustration.

This 4th edition fully delivers complete anatomic coverage of the head and neck. Beginning with an overview of body systems, and then moving on to specific regions of the head and neck as well as the oral cavity, the text follows the anatomic systems, including orofacial anatomy, dental anatomy, as well as the skeletal system, the muscular system, the vascular system, the nervous system, and much more! This book will help you to visually understand the various parts of the head and neck as well as the oral cavity and how they relate to each other. In addition, the final chapter on fasciae and spaces will give the reader a better overall regional feel for the anatomy of the head and neck.

Back-of-book multiple-choice test with answers and rationales enables you to gauge your mastery of dental anatomy.  Access to online materials for Illustrated Anatomy of the Head and Neck includes practice quizzes, Elsevier's online anatomy coloring book, and a skull bone identification interactive exercise.


Cases for SDHs Online Study 2025

Dental Hygienists are a community of professionals devoted to the prevention of oral disease and the promotion and improvement of the public's health. Dental hygienists are preventive oral health professionals who provide educational, clinical, and therapeutic services to the public. As a healthcare professional, a dental hygienist is called on to know a wide range of information related to patient care.  These links noted below only begin to show the range of information needed as a competent dental professional working within quality dental care.

Student dental hygieniss can browse through the sites of interest as listed below. Be sure to check out DH Links for even more in-depth information on research, patient care, and dental professional associations. Also check out 2025 Updated ASA PHYSICAL STATUS CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM (referenced in Dental Section that is continually undergoing peer review, including Author as Referred Dental Science Editor in Wikipedia!).

Unless otherwise specified, the production group of this site is not responsible for the content of any of the outside sites linked to this webpage. The listing of this site's name with any of these sites should not be misconstrued as an endorsement of the information in them.  The addresses of these web sites are subjected to change and may need updating over time and may contain advertising which is not in control of the author of this website. 

Updated 3/1/2025

Production by Fehrenbach and Associates